Everything To Know About The Black Mamba: The Black Mamba snake (Dendroaspispolylepis), also called the Seven Steps snake, is notorious for being one of the world’s most venomous snakes and also the most poisonous snake in Africa. Due to its fatal nature, it has the nick name “Seven Steps” because you can only survive up to seven steps after being bitten.

According to Sara Viernum, a herpetologist located in Madison, Wisconsin, the Black Mamba is also the fastest land snake in the world and “the longest species of deadly snake in Africa and the second longest in the world.” Numerous African stories have focused on this snake’s enormous capacity for danger, which has resulted in thousands of fatalities among humans.

The Seven Steps is a highly poisonous and swift snake. When confronted, it becomes ferociously hostile and is known to strike repeatedly, injecting a significant amount of venom with each blow. Although there is an antidote, it is not widely distributed in southern and eastern Africa, and its venom has the potential to be fatal. Therefore, it is regarded as a serious killer in a country where about 20,000 people perish from snakebite each year.


The black mamba is actually brown rather than black, as implied by its name, though it also comes in colors of olive or gray. The name “black mamba” for this venomous snake actually refers to the color of its mouth, which is a deep inky black, not the coloration of its skin. Similar to the Mocassino Acquatico (Agkistrodon piscivorus), a mamba will open its mouth to reveal its black coating as a warning when it feels threatened.

Black Mambas are especially swift and agile snakes with a coffin-shaped head. Although their typical length is roughly 8 feet, these snakes can reach lengths of up to 14 feet (4.25 meters), according to the National Geographic (2.4 m). These giants have a maximum lifespan of 11 years.


The University of Michigan Museum of Animal Diversity Zoology Web (ADW) states that the black mamba inhabits rocky slopes, open woodlands, and savannahs in southern and eastern Africa. They prefer to sleep outside in hollow trees, rock crevices, caves, or barren deserted mountains.


These swift snakes can move more quickly than the majority of people can run, which helps to explain why people fear them so much. According to herpetologist Viernum, the black mamba is one of the fastest species on the planet, with a top speed of more than 20 km/h. On the other hand, over lengthy journeys, they can only keep their average speed at around 11 km/h.

 They can stretch out with roughly a third of their bodies off the ground, holding their heads proudly, and glide fast in brief gusts over flat terrain. A running mamba is a horrifying and unexpected sight. However, according to National Geographic, the snake does not attack; rather, it exploits its remarkable speed to flee from enemies.

Everything To Know About The Black Mamba
Everything To Know About The Black Mamba

The black mamba sleeps in the same spot every night, despite being quite active during the day. It is frequently observed “bathing in the branches of a tree early in the morning,” according to the ARKivedel Big Screen Initiative, before heading out to hunt. Despite their inherent shyness, black mambas are occasionally observed in pairs or small groups, according to Viernum. They are “shy and secretive snakes that seek to avoid confrontation,” according to her. However, if threatened, “Black mambas are quite ferocious.” Their primary characteristic is their defensive behavior.

These snakes raise their upper bodies off the ground to stand when seriously threatened, according to Viernum. It’s a protective posture used to frighten off danger. The Black Mamba snake will not hesitate to strike if necessary to defend itself; it will hiss loudly, inject massive amounts of venom with each shot, and then flee as quickly as possible.


The Black Mamba normally consumes small mammals and birds; however, reports have been made of mambas being discovered with complete parrots or cobras in their stomachs, according to the Blue Planet Biome. According to Adam G. Klein’s book “Black Mamba,” a snake will bite its prey to inject poison into it, release it later, and then pursue the victim until it becomes paralyzed and dies, at which time it will eat the victim. After being bitten by a black mamba, prey typically doesn’t survive for very long. Because of their adaptable jaws, these snakes can eat prey that is up to four times the size of their heads, Everything To Know About The Black Mamba


According to the University of BioWeb in Wisconsin—La Crosse, this deadly snake normally reproduces in the spring or summer. For the girls’ attention, the males must compete. The females lay between 6 and 25 eggs in a moist piece of cloth or a warm burrow after mating. She never comes back for her eggs, leaving them behind. Three months after the eggs are laid, the snakes hatch, and at birth they are between 16 and 24 inches long.


The potent black mamba can kill a person with just two drips of venom, according to the Kruger National Park in South Africa. According to the herpetologist Viernum, this snake’s venom includes neurotoxins with an LD50 of 0.25 mg/kg, same as the cobra and coral snakes. Without an antidote, the fatality rate from a black mamba bite is 100% because the venom causes the nervous system to shut down and paralyze victims in a matter of minutes. “Black Mamba bite-related deaths have been observed to happen within 20 minutes of a bite. There have been some victims who have lived for at least three hours, Everything To Know About The Black Mamba


The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) lists the black variant as one of four mamba species. Jameson’s mamba, eastern green mamba, and western green mamba are some further species. All snakes, including coral snakes and cobras, are members of the Elapidae family. Mambas have smooth scales, are nimble and active, and have a potent toxin. The entire species is found in sub-Saharan Africa.

Other Mambas

The other mamba species are all less venomous and smaller than the black mamba. All of the snakes are vivid green. They inhabit trees since they are tree species. They are also known to fall from branches onto their prey. These includes:

Jameson’s Mamba: This thin snake hunts its small prey aggressively and fast during the day while it lives on trees. It inhabits West and Central Africa and can reach lengths of up to 8 feet (2.4 meters).

Eastern Green Mamba: This species of mamba is the smallest, typically growing to a height of 6 to 7 feet (1.8 m to 2.1 m). In all of East Africa’s woods, they are typical.

West African green mamba: According to Branson Wild World, this snake, also known as the Western Green Mamba or Hallowell Green Mamba, can reach a length of 10 feet (3 meters). After the black mamba, it is the second-longest and most deadly snake in Africa. It is native to West Africa, as suggested by the name.

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