Silverback Gorillas In Volcanoes National Park : The silverback gorilla is a category of mountain gorilla that can be easily identified on seeing a gorilla family. The mountain gorillas live in families harmonically and have a close relation with humans. Mountain gorillas share up to 99% of the human DNA and these similarities can easily be spotted while on a gorilla trek. The mountain gorillas tend to stay in the mountainous and tropical forested lands. The mountain gorillas are subdivided into 4 types of gorillas and these include the cross river gorillas and the western lowland gorillas. The western lowland gorillas are a subspecies of the western gorillas and the eastern lowland gorillas are a subspecies of the eastern gorillas. The gorillas are large mammals with a powerful physique fully covered in thick black fur all over their bodies. Their chests are broad with an outstanding abdomen with dark skin.
The eastern gorilla species appear darker than the western gorillas with famous mountain gorillas having the darkest hair. The mountain gorilla also has the thickest hair and this is because of their habitat preference being the highland areas that can get cold and thus the thick hair helps to maintain their body warmth. The western gorilla species tend to have almost grey to red forehead hair. The western and the eastern gorillas both have subspecies that tend to stay in lowland areas and these are the western lowland and the eastern lowland gorillas. They are smaller in size and this makes them to move around more swiftly compared to the highland gorillas. The eastern gorillas also have longer faces and wider chests that make them appear much bigger in size. These have a unique identifier which is the nose prints. The gorillas use their four legs to move on their knuckles however sometimes tend to walk straight up but for shorter distances and usually when carrying food as well as trying to waive off a threat. The gorilla life span is estimated to be about 35 years to 40 years within the wild where they thrive best. The western gorillas can live and thrive in captivity and go up to 50 years and above.
The silverback gorillas are usually the male gorillas aged 12years and above. They upgrade from being a black back in the years of 8 to 12 where their fur is still thick and black. The black back gorillas are usually submissive to other gorillas. The silverback name was obtained from the silver line which tends to grow on the lower backs of the adult male gorillas which goes up to the downward hip section. The silverback gorillas tend to protect the family and fight for their position to prove their strength to the rest of the family members. Every gorilla family is ruled by one dominant male silverback but there is and only be one dominant silverback. If the other silverback can’t be ruled, then they tend to leave the gorilla family and start their own.
The silver back gorillas lead the group and charge first in case of an intruder to protect the members of the group and these are usually more aggressive than the other members of the family. Rwanda’s volcanoes national park has an estimated population of 380 mountain gorillas living within the park and 10 habituated gorilla families which are ready to be trekked. A mountain gorilla trekking permit in Rwanda goes for 1,500 USD per person.