The Wonders of Kitulo National Park : Originally, people used to call the Kitulo Plateau a ‘Bustani ya Mungu’ – The Garden of God. This beautiful name is a perfect description of the Plateau.

Soft rolling denes on a high table in the cool highlands of southern Tanzania burst into a seasonal vibrancies of flowers and color that’s one of the great flowery specs of the world. It came a National Park in 2005, and is 413sq. km in area.

Lying at around,600 meters(,500 ft) between the rugged peaks of the Kipengere, Poroto and Livingstone Mountains, the well- doused stormy soils of Kitulo support the largest and the most important montane Champaign and flowery community in Tanzania. Within these campaigns grow an extraordinary variety of wild flowers that burst into bloom between December and April.

There are further than 350 species of shops, including 45 kinds of terrestrial orchids, which erupt into a riotous wildflower display of stirring scale and diversity. The soft undulating pitches and denes are literally coated with flowers during this time. Kitulo is a gentle place where wild flowers, catcalls and some antelope and zebra are the main lodestones. In 2005 a new species of monkey was discovered in the Timbers on the western side of the Park. It’s a type of mangabey now named Kipunji. Kitulo is also a raspberry watchers paradise, because in addition to common species are set up rarer bones similar as Denham’s bustard, the exposed blue swallow, mountain swampland widow, Njombe cist cola and Kipengere seedeater. Aboriginal species of butterfly, trimmer, lizard and frog further enhance the natural wealth of God’s Garden. Added to its natural lodestones, Kitulo Plateau is the natural resting point for multinational migrating catcalls similar as the great white stork on their way to Europe. These big, seductive catcalls stop in this demesne for some months and latterly continue with their long trip across the mainland. It’s so seductive and indelible moment when observing these raspberry on the demesne.

The Wonders of Kitulo National Park
Kitulo National Park

From Mbeya city it’s about a hundred and twenty Kilometers (120 km) to Matamba through Chimala city which is located 70 km from Mbeya city. From Matamba the road climbs up through 57 hair- leg- corners on a spectacular rough road known as Hamsini na saba or fifty seven in English. The demesne gate is at Matamba where there’s a public campground. From Matamba to the Park itself is about 11 km. Access is also possible via Isyonje on the Mbeya- Tukuyu road. Also through air, Regular listed breakouts fly to Mbeya, from where round transport has to be arranged to Kitulo.

In the park there are variety of activities that a visitor can do. Some of them are enjoying wild flowers, walking Tanzania safari through the grassland and watching birds, The Wonders of Kitulo National Park

Those wishing to hike can go hill walking to different cascade in the Park including one that is 100 measures high or hike further still on the neighboring ranges during the day, giving fantastic views of Lake Nyasa and its beautiful Matema Beach below the mountains.

The flower season is during the wetter months of December to April. From May to August the mountains and plains are constantly shrouded in mist and pall reducing visibility.

These lift towards the end of the drier period September to November. At this time of time the air is brilliantly clear and the mountains and dales are bathed in sun.

Kitulo National Park is a place that will appeal to a wide variety of sightseer, from audacious folk traveling through Tanzania by road to seasoned nature suckers and nature suckers who will want it added to their safari journal because it’s so different to other big game destinations. It lies just south of Ruaha National Park, and is close to Mbeya field, and so access is easy for those on the southern circuit of Tanzanian National Parks. Drink to Kitulo public demesne the swish place for enjoyment especially during recesses. You will always want to visit it all the time and you will no way forget the place.

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